Sunshine State Rodding News, brought to you by Rich and Linda Martin, was the first publication in the state of Florida to serve the Street Rodders and Car Enthusiasts with a monthly publication. Since 1978, Sunshine State Rodding News has been there serving the needs of these communities here in Florida and neighboring states. Sunshine State Rodding News is a monthly publication that has many benefits/resources such as;
Complete coverage of Rod Runs, Car Shows, Swap Meets, Cruise-Ins, and other car related activities.
An advertiser section to enable subscribers to find parts and services they might need.
A classified section for readers to sell or find cars, parts, etc.
A state-wide list of Rod Runs, Car Shows, and other activities.
For nearly 40 years I have been publishing this magazine, and doing everything I could do to keep the cost of a subscription down. In fact, it has been well over 12 years since I have increased the price, while the post office continues to raise their prices along with the ever increasing cost of paper and printing. And I just received notice that another postal rate increase is coming in January, 2024.
So, with that coming, I have decided to raise a subscription to $25.00 for one year or 12 issues beginning January, 2024. The advertisers rate will also be going up to the following: Business Card $130 per year; 1/4 Page $230 per year; 1/2 Page $280 per year and Full Page $480 per year.
Thanks for supporting the magazine for the past 40 years, and myself & Linda will do everything we can to put out a quality and informative product.
Sunshine State Rodding News has been bringing you The River Ranch Rod Run every January for the last 35 years. For River Ranch Rod Run information Click Here.
To get a subscription form to Sunshine State Rodding News Click Here.